What do you think?
- How can we help activate Washington’s innovative outdoor gear and clothing businesses?
- How can/should we be marketing and promoting outdoor recreation in Washington as an incredible asset of the state?
- What does access to recreation and opportunities for physical activity do for the health of individuals, communities, and the state?
- What types of outdoor activities appeal to the people who represent our changing demographics in age, national origin, and other human characteristics?
- Are we doing the right things with our city, county, and state parks and other recreational assets and green spaces to inspire and engage people in getting out there?
These and other questions are being pondered and researched by members of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Parks and Outdoor Recreation and the many residents of Washington who are commenting on our online townhall and attending our public meetings.
We’re working into the fall to address three important issues:
- finding stable solutions to state park funding challenges
- getting kids outdoors so our future generations become healthier and connect with nature (proven to improve health, scholastic performance, and much more that we value)
- recognizing, promoting, and leveraging the value of the outdoor economy in the state.
Opportunities to provide input:
- Online at engageoutdoorwashington.com
- June 10, Spokane: Riverpoint Campus, Nursing Building, Room 205, 9am-1pm. Panels will focus on youth and on health, followed by a public comment period.
- July 8, Wenatchee: Wenatchee Valley College campus, 1300 5th St, Van Tassell Center Café, 9am-1-pm.
- August 19, Port Angeles: Location to be determined.
Think big. Think bold. Give us your inspiration and your creativity. Tell us what we should do for the future of Washington’s great outdoors.
Related Reading
- Washington’s Great Outdoors: Your Chance to Shape the Future
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Nine: Outdoors
- Task Force Website
- Task Force Members
- Minutes of the meeting of May 5, 2014, in Kent (PDF)
- State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Planning (SCORP) document
- The Outdoor Recreation Economy in Washington State (PDF summary of findings from a study by the Outdoor Industry Association)
- Don’t Overlook Recreation as an Economic Asset (op-ed in Everett Herald by Tom Tiegen, Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Director, and Barb Chamberlain, executive director of Washington Bikes)
Your Turn
- What ONE thing would make it easier for you to get a friend to join you in riding a bicycle?
- What ONE thing would make it easier for you to try a new outdoor activity you haven’t yet done?
- Now that you’ve narrowed down your answers on these to your top priority, what are your other thoughts and ideas?
- Now that you’ve told us here, go check out the questions and other people’s comments at engageoutdoorwashington.com
The post Washington’s Great Outdoors: Task Force Meeting June 10 in Spokane appeared first on Washington Bikes.